Wednesday, May 13, 2009

All Smiles

I wanted to share this precious smile with the world. No big deal to most I am sure, but I have waited for this little smile for a couple of weeks now. I was really begining to think my baby boy was never going to smile. So I hope you all think my baby boy is as precious as his daddy and I do.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Eight Weeks

Wow, things are going too fast around here. I can not believe we have been home 6 weeks already. This is what I like the least about babies, it happens way too fast. He will be 2 mths on Wednesday. I will buy in to the whole concept that it is easier to go from 2 kids to 3, than it was to go from 1 to 2. It helps alot that Connor is 4 now. That being said, about 6 months from now, when this little guy is all over the place, I may not feel so sure. I love these early months, it is one of my most favorite things in life. I do miss regular sleep patterns. All and all, things are going pretty good around here. I am pretty tired by 3:00, I just start hoping for Jason to be home early around that time. I am quiet sad when he gets home and goes to run. I hate for him to be gone for a minute these days. I took some pictures of the boys tonight, I hope you will enjoy.