Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pawpaw and Mamoo's

Armed with two five dollar bills in my wallet, we hit the road for Shreveport. I did not expect a good trip but with the promise of a five dollar bill on the other end of our trip the big guys were so much better than I ever expected. And five dollars more on the way home and it wasn't a bad drive either. Connor did however lose his second five at Roscoe. He just couldn't take it anymore. There was a lot of swimming and sunning, Connor learned to swim without floaties or a life jacket.

Pawpaw and Will

We love our Pawpaw

Fourth of July

Don't have any fireworks pictures, it is sometimes hard to hold a baby and take pictures. Would you believe Will wins that battle? So here are the few I got....


These were taken on a weekend visit at Nana's. The boys had a great time riding the four wheeler with Pawpaw Joe and Nana. The boys really enjoy the rough and tumble, down and dirty play at Nana's even if it is just chasing Duddley and Bernie (the dogs).

A little lake swim

Jason and I took the boys to the lake for a little swim. They loved it and can't wait to go fishing out there.

Wrapping up the school year

Mother's day out graduation was a big deal, only we weren't really graduating since we go back this year. Connor loved his teacher Miss Angela. Everything she said was truth in his eyes. She moved at the end of the year and commuted from Abilene for a few weeks to finish out the year. She was pregnant and had a two year old. God bless that Miss Angela she is a great girl.
Connor said the other day that he wished we could move to Abilene to be close to Miss Angela.

As for kindergarten, they wrapped up the year with a field trip to the zoo and field day at the high school track. He really liked his teacher Mrs. Cavazos. She and her husband also relocated this summer, I am so sad that Connor won't have the opportunity to have her she is a really neat lady. As for the kindergarten relay, my boy isn't the fastest 6 yr old but he sure had a good time trying . Most of all he was just so proud his daddy was there to watch him run. GO DADDY!

Memorial Day Weekend

We are so glad that we were able to take the boys to Seaworld for memorial day weekend. We could not manage to find a good time for any other family trip this summer. So here a couple shots of the boys at the hotel as my battery was dead when we got to seaworld and we were not able to get any pictures. You can imagine I am sure a hot, humid, rainy day in San Antonio with children who do not like to be hot. We were all smiles, all day. Happy Times. Really it was fun, the kids were worn out they loved the dolphins and sea lions, and of course Shamu.

Let's see how many posts I can add in one night.

Jason bought me a new computer for my 30th birthday. I am finally able to work with and store pictures again, thus the reason for multiple entries from as far back as 3 mths. Forgive me, I will try to keep up now.