Monday, November 3, 2008

Another Boy!

We learned Thursday that we are having another boy. I would have been very surprised had the doctor told us it was a girl, but I must say I had hoped it was. I can't complain at all. I really didn't know what all they were checking for on the midway sonogram, I really thought it was mainly to determine the sex of the child. Anyhow, the Dr. went over everything, baby's mouth, feet and hands, heart, brain and then he told me that the arrow I could see was not an arrow at all. Friends, I really wasn't sad, as much as I wanted a girl, I was so thankful for everything being perfect, as far as he could tell. So, Saturday night as Jason watched the big game I went through the single rubbermaid container of baby boy clothes I have and put the sweet little things on hangers and hung them in the closet. The room hasn't been painted, the only room in this house that remains the dingy off white from 30 years ago. Now, that I know I won't be choosing a shade of pink I want it done, yesterday. Anyhow, it is fun trying to find the perfect bedding for the final baby boy I will have, not too sissy, but something that will be really sweet for the baby I want to stay under six months forever. As for Jaxon and Connor, Jaxon was really okay that God is giving him a baby brother despite his prayer for the past 14 months for a baby sister. Connor who doesn't like babies, and doesn't like girls either, was good with the news, if it there is going to be a baby it will be okay since it is a boy. As for names, we didn't begin talking names until we knew, we had a very hard time naming Connor, Jaxon is all for Luke Skywalker and Connor says it will just be Boy. We'll keep you posted.

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